Wednesday, August 13, 2008


This syllabus only covers the first four weeks of assignments because I will need to assess the "speed" of the class. I am hoping to move at the pace of the book, but I want to be sure all of the children understand the concepts before we move on.

All assignments are due the week after they are assigned. Students will be expected to turn in a typed or neatly handwritten "final draft" copy of all writing assignments. (This does not apply to Journal entries.)

8/21 Semester Overview, Goals for the Year, Vocabulary Plan, "A and An" Usage, Journal Writing, [References 1-4 (p.10-11)]
Workbook Assignment: All vocabulary for Ch. 1 (Group 1 & 2) p.8, Ch. 1 Practice p. 66, Ch. 1 Test p. 98 (optional!)
Writing Assignment: Write at least three entries in your Journal.

8/28 Revising and Editing, Rough Drafts and Final Paragraphs, four Kinds of Sentences, Article Adjective Information, Q & A Flow, Three Jingles, [References 5-9 (p. 12-14)]
All Chapter 2 Vocabulary following the Vocabulary Plan
All Chapter 2 Exercises on p. 66 in Workbook
Label the first set of Chapter 2 Sentences in the Practice Booklet
Three Journal Entries
Complete the e-mailed attachment of sentences to label

9/4 Skill Builder Check, Noun Job Chart, Q & A Flow for Classifying, Three More Jingles, [References 10-11 (p. 15)]
Workbook Assignment: All vocabulary for Ch. 3 (Group 1 & 2) p.8, Ch. 3 Practice Sets p. 66 and the first one on p. 67 – do NOT do the "Practice Writing Page" (Ch. 3 Lesson 5), Ch. 3 Sentences Labeled in Practice Booklet p. 2, Ch. 3 Test p. 99 (optional!)
Writing Assignment: Write at least three entries in your Journal.

9/11 Expository Writing and Writing Definitions
[References 12-13 (p. 16-17)]
Workbook Assignment: All vocabulary for Ch. 4 (Group 1 & 2) p.8
Writing Assignment: Ch. 3 "Practice Writing Page" (Ch. 3 Lesson 5) p.67, Revise and Edit this paragraph, Type or neatly hand-write a "final draft" of your paragraph to turn in during the next class. Write at least three entries in your Journal.

9/18 Predicate Words Located in the Complete Subject, Writing Improved Sentences, Different Parts of Speech [References 14-16 (p.17)]
Workbook Assignment: Ch. 4 Practice p. 68, Ch. 4 Sentences Labeled in Practice Booklet p. 3, Ch. 4 Test p. 100, (optional!)
Writing Assignment: Write a three-point expository paragraph on one of the following topics. Be sure you revise and edit it before turning in a "final draft" copy to me next week.
*Why I Like to Camp
*My Favorite Adults
*My Favorite Movies / Games
Also, write at least three entries in your Journal.

The assignments from week 9/18 are indicative of what you can expect during the semester if we move at this pace. I will assess the needs of the class and adjust accordingly.

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