Friday, September 19, 2008

A Few Grading Errors

It has been brought to my attention that there were a few errors with grading your children's work this week. I extend my sincerest apologies. I have a helper that comes in to help check the work. I do not get to look the books over before they are handed back to the students. I wanted to send you the corrections because these were a bit "tricky."

In the Practice Booklet:
Ch. 3, Lesson 3 - 1. The incredibly talented musician ...Incredibly is an ADV not an ADJ. Incredibly modifies talented. The question to figure out the part of speech would be HOW talented? How is an adverb question (as stated in the jingle - how? when? where?), and adverbs can modify a verb, adjective or another adverb.

Ch. 3, Lesson 2 - 3. The extremely late flight ...Extremely is an ADV not an ADJ. Extremely is an adverb because it modifies an adjective - late.

Ch. 3, Lesson 3 - 3. The very excited fans ...Very is an ADV not an ADJ. Very is an adverb modifying excited (adj)!

In the Workbook:
Ch.3 Lesson 3 Practice 1 (p.66)The students were to underline the complete subject and the complete predicate. It was corrected to the simple subject and predicate.

I am so sorry! I am sorry for the confusion. I will try to make sure this doesn't happen again. Thank you for understanding!

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